Es un honor presentarles a una de mis bandas favoritas, encabezada por el buen Jhonny Indovina. Se caracterizan por tocar melodías entrañables, tristeza y nostalgia total. Su sonido magistral demostro desde el principio que sabian hacer buena musica, sus letras evocadoras de los sentimientos mas profundos. Sin duda HUMAN DRAMA sabe como capturarte desde la primera vez que los escuchas.

Quizas definir su musica sea irelevante , pero en lo que a mi respecta me hace sentir como encontrarme con esos dulces recovecos que genera la soledad. Tal vez el corazón se les ablande después de escuchar su música, como lo a hecho conmigo de largo tiempo atrás. Sera mejor que ustedes mismos escuchen este tesoro.
Human Drama - Hopes Prayers Dreams Heart Soul Mind Love Life Death
01 - Old man
02 - Nothing I judge
03 - I bleed for you
04 - The waiting hour
Human Drama - Feel
01 - Death of an angel
02 - Never never
03 - I could be a killer
04 - Tumble
05 - Through my eyes
06 - The waiting hour
07 - Dying in a moment of splendor
08 - Heaven on earth
09 - Old man
10 - There is only you
Human Drama - The World Inside
01 - A Million Years
02 - The World Inside I
03 - The World Inside II
04 - My Skin.
05 - Tears
06 - Look Into a Stranger’s Eyes
07 - This Tangled Web
08 - Winter’s Life
09 - Fascination and Fear
10 - Color me Red
11 - Father Sing
12 - Voices
13 - Fading Away
14 - Times Square
Human Drama - Pinups
01 - Yesterday is here (Tom Waits)
02 - Till the next goodbye (The Rolling Stones)
03 - Wish you were here (Pink Floyd)
04 - Love will tear us apart (Joy Division)
05 - Caroline says II (Lou Reed)
06 - Oh my love (John Lennon)
07 - I'm not like everybody else (The Kinks)
08 - Alone (Nico)
09 - Hang down your head (Tom Waits)
10 - Decades (Joy Division)
11 - The carpet crawlers (Genesis)
12 - After all (David Bowie)
13 - Letter to hermione (David Bowie)
14 - If it be your will (Leonard Cohen)
15 - Heaven stood still (Mink DeVille)
Human Drama - Human Drama
01 - It is fear
02 - Breathe
03 - Tired
04 - Sad I cry
05 - Remember well
06 - Solitude IV
07 - White river
08 - The waiting hour
Human Drama - Songs of Betrayal Part I
01 - E 2nd St.
02 - Another fifty miles
03 - This forgotten love (1992)
04 - Solitude I
05 - Forever
06 - It is fear
07 - Where our weakness lies
08 - Solitude II
09 - Let the darkness in
10 - Mr. Storyteller
11 - As love comes tumbling
12 - I wonder why
13 - Sixty forty
14 - The wind will change
Human Drama - Songs of Betrayal Part II
01 - All the cuts today
02 - Solitude III
03 - Blue
04 - Tired
05 - The silent dance
07 - Remember well
08 - Sad I cry
09 - The puzzle
10 - This forgotten love (Three years gone)
11 - Emptiness
12 - Father christmas
13 - We walk alone
Human Drama - 14384 day later (Live).
01 - Death of an angel
02 - Wave of darkness
03 - who by fire
04 - Million years
05 - Through my eyes
06 - Dying in a moment of splendor
07 - I bleed for you
08 - This forgotten love
09 - (I keep a) Close watch
10 - Voices
11 - Tired
12 - This tangled web
13 - I could be a killer
14 - There is only you
15 - Heroin
Human Drama - Solemn Sun Setting
01 - My denial
02 - Ways and wounds (Of my world)
03 - Single white rose
04 - Somewhere
05 - Love's way
06 - To love her
07 - A simple glance
08 - Truth about Gina
09 - Lost
10 - I cannot believe
11 - Goodbye
12 - The great pretender
13 - March on
14 - King of loneliness
15 - Solemn sun setting
16 - Who are you?
Human Drama - ...In a perfect world
01 - Death of an angel
02 - I Could be a killer
03 - This tangled web
04 - Fascination and fear
05 - Fading away
06 - A million years
07 - Love will tear us apart
08 - Sad I cry
09 - Tired
10 - This forgotten love (1992)
11 - Remenber well
12 - The waiting hour (Once again)
13 - Dying in a moment of splendor (Live)
14 - Loves' way
15 - The way and wounds (Of my world)
16 - A single white rose
Human Drama - Moments in Time
01 - Mr. Storyteller
02 - Death of an angel
03 - Tired
04 - My skin
05 - Fascination and fear
06 - As love comes tumbling
07 - The silent dance
08 - Yesterday is here
09 - It is fear
10 - Can I cry hard enough
11 - Forever
12 - Yours fine
13 - Sad I cry
14 - This tangled web
15 - Let it Be
Human Drama - Cause and Effect
01 - I am not here
02 - Look at me now
03 - Quiet desperation
04 - Imitation of...
05 - Goodnight sweetheart
06 - Lonely
07 - Madame hate's mad search for love
08 - Bang the drum slowly
09 - The mystery
10 - Cynthia's journal
11 - The battle
12 - About Michelle
13 - Dance me to the end of love