5 jun 2009

Cocteau Twins

Esta es una banda muy buena, se destacaron por su sonidos originales e innovadores, siempre destacando la voz muy onírica de Elizabeth Fraser. fueron los creadores y los lideres del genero conocido como dream pop. Me gusta por que son de los grupos que nunca acabas de oír del todo, siempre los escuchas de maneras distintas.

Garlands- 1982

01 Blood Bitch
02 Wax And Wane
03 But I'm Not
Blind Dumb Deaf
05 Shallow Then Halo
06 The Hollow Men
07 Garlands
08 Grail Overfloweth
09 Dear Heart
10 Hearsay Please
11 Hazel
12 Blind Dumb Deaf
13 Speak No Evil
14 Blind Dumb Deaf
+ Bonus


Heads Over Heels - 1983

1. When Mama Was Moth
2. Five Ten Fiftyfold
3. Sugar Hiccup
4. In Our Angelhood
5. Glass Candle Grenades
6. In The Gold Dust Rush
7. The Tinderbox (of A Heart)
8. Multifoiled
9. My Love Paramour
10. Musette And Drums



1. Ivo
2. Lorelei
3. Beatrix
4. Persephone
5. Pandora
6. Amelia
7. Aloysius
8. Cicely
9. Otterley
10. Donimo


Victorialand - 1983

Lazy Calm
Fluffy Tufts
Throughout the Dark Months of April and May
Whales Tails
Little Spacey
Feet-Like Fins
How to Bring a Blush to the Snow
The Thinner the Air


Heaven Or Las Vegas - 1990

1. Cherry-Coloured Funk
2. Pitch The Baby
3. Iceblink Luck
4. Fifty-Fifty Clown
5. Heaven Or Las Vegas
6. I Wear Your Ring
7. Fotzepolitic
8. Wolf In The Breast
9. Road, River And Rail
10. Frou-Frou Foxes In Midsummer Fires


Four-Calendar Cafe - 1993

1. Know Who You Are At Every Age
2. Evangeline
3. Bluebeard
4. Theft, And Wandering Around Lost
5. Oil Of Angels
6. Squeeze-Wax
7. My Truth
8. Essence
9. Summerhead
10. Pur


Milk & Kisses - 1996

6.Rilkean Heart
9.Treasure Hiding
10.Seekers Who Are Lovers


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